Introducing our #spotted series, where we applaud and spotlight companies embracing sustainability, empowering us as consumers to make mindful choices for a greener future. Jenn recently bought the ostrich pillow for summer travel and loved it! Loved it even more when I read the bottom of the box: “For every product sold, a new tree is planted” and “This packaging deserves another chance. Please recycle it or, better yet, reuse it.” I plan to reuse this container as I think it will make a great gift box for those obscure size gifts! Thank you @ostrichpillow for being so thoughtful! #notanad #ostrichpillow
#mindfulliving #sustainablefuture #sustainability #consciousconsumerism #planetoverconvenience #progressnotperfection #smallchangesaddup #smallchanges #smallchangesbigimpact #sustainableliving #travel #travelsustainably #travelsustainable
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